( ! ) Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /var/www/user479731/data/www/sakurov.ru/modules/mod_jf_mobilemenu/helper.php on line 79
Call Stack
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150.36054739480include( '/var/www/user479731/data/www/sakurov.ru/modules/mod_jf_mobilemenu/mod_jf_mobilemenu.php ).../ModuleHelper.php:200

«Igor Sakurov - Art» - on-line gallery

«Igor Sakurov - Art» - on-line gallery

RUSSIAN ARTISTS NEW WAVE project launched to introduce and present to the world the talented artists and photographers who previously have not been widely shown for the public. You will find here true talents and awesome art which enrich your interiors of home and offices. You have a great chance to get unique art pieces and support the talents for let them grow further. Russian art is soulful, heartfelt, sincere, warm and unique.

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«FineArtAmerica» - on-line gallery

«FineArtAmerica» - on-line gallery

Welcome to the largest, fastest-growing art and photography community in the world. Fine Art America is the premier online marketplace for buying and selling artwork. It's also the easiest way to network with other artists and photographers and to stay in touch with your local art scene! Our interactive website is designed to bring together artists, photographers, art galleries, art collectors, and art enthusiasts.

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